所以只好心痛(?)的出售這些書了 // 其實根本只是懶得整理(爆)
反正先把書單開出來 最近也不打算馬上賣
不過有興趣的可以和我聯絡 以下開始書單:
1. Fundamentals of PHYSICS sixth edition HALLIDAY / RESNICK / WALKER
2. 全華 物理(上)(下) (兩本合起來就是Fundamentals of PHYSICS的中文書)
3. 計算機網路實驗 以NS2模擬工具實作(這本中文)
4. Wireless and Mobile ALL-IP Networks WILEY
5. Discovering Computers 2003 SHELLY CASHMAN SERIES
6. Calculus eighth edition Varberg Purcell Rigdon
7. Calculus ninth edition Dale Varberg Edwin J.Purcell Steven E.Rigdon
8. 資料結構 - 使用C語言 (Fundamentals of Data Structures in C 的中文本)
9. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Kenneth H.Rosen
10. Computer Organization And Design fifth edition David A.Patterson / John L.Hennessy
11. Fundamentals of Probability third edition Saeed Ghahramani
12. Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory second edition Wade Trappe / Lawrence Washington
13. Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers fourth edition Kip R.Irvine
14. PSP A Self-Improvement Process for Software Engineers Watts S.Humphrey
15. Linear Algebra fourth edition Stephen H.Friedberg / Arnold J.Insel / Lawrence E.Spence
16. Computer Networking third edition James F.Kurose / Keith W.Ross
17. Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals M.Morris Mano / Charles R.Kime
18. Compilers Alfred V.Aho / Ravi Sethi / Jeffrey D.Ullman
19. Database System Concepts Abraham Silberschatz / Henry F.Korth / S.Sudarshan
20. Introduction to Automata Theory, Language, and Computation third edition John E.Hopcroft / Rajeev Motwani / Jeffrey D.Ullman
21. A first Course in Probability sixth edition Sheldon Ross
22. Queueing theory for Telecommunications John N.Daigle
23. FPGA/CPLD 數位晶片設計入門 - 使用Xilinx ISE發展系統 鄭群星 (中文)
24. Thinking in C++ second edition Bruce Eckel
25. System Software An Introduction to Systems Programming 3rd edition Leland L.Beck
26. Programming Languages 2nd edition Ravi Sethi
27. Interactive Computer Graphics fourth edition Edward Angel
28. Computer Science 7th edition Brookshear
29. Algorithms in C third edition Robert Sedgewick (全內容共兩本)
正規語言與計算理論 (交大用課本)
中華民國憲法精義 2007年最新版
學典 增訂版 (這本我好像從來沒打開過.....)
大概就這些書要賣 沒意外的話應該都是4折或3折賣出
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